Friday, July 2, 2010

Australasia's 2010

On Sunday 18th April , I took to the stage for my IFBB Debut to compete in the Open Figure Division. The journey to the stage was nothing less than an absolutely amazing experience , and being on the stage was the absolute highlight of that journey. The two things I had set my sights on in the lead up to the show were to get in to the best physical condition that I had ever been in and to be invited to represent Australia at the 2011 Arnold Classic in the Amatuer Figure Division.
I most defnitely achieved my first goal and am yet to find out if I will recieve an invite to the Arnold , but know that I have been nominated by a couple of the judges , so at this stage..I am just keeping my fingers crossed!!
Pre Judging was the first part of our day , and went well. I was feeling good and knew that I had done the work , so was happy to finally be on stage presenting the finished product to the judges.
In the afternoon , we came back on for the Finals and I felt even better. I was super relaxed and feeling focussed and ready to go and give my best! There was a lot of competition in this line up for me in the current Australasia's Figure Champion , Sara Picken Brown. Sara is a conditioned competitor who not only is the leading short class figure competitor , she had just placed 6th at the very prestigious Arnold Classic in the Amateur Figure Division in a line up of 35 girls.
After we came off stage , the judges had Sara and I back for a third callout to try and make their final decisions on First and Second place. Then , 5 long minutes later we were called back for presentation , and Sara ended up taking 1st place by one point , and I took second.
I have to say , it was such an adrenalin fuelled experience having a final callout with Sara , as we are both very competitive and she is at the top of her game so she had me really working. It was real competing , what we train for and turn up in our best condition to do!! I loved it!
All in all , I was absolutely ecstatic with my result , and how I did on the day. I wanted to be my best and I was , and it felt great!
On the Monday , I spent the day doing photo shoots with three photographers that I had not
worked with before , which was so much fun. See Australasia's Photo shoots for pics!!

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